New York City | Part 3

I fell in love with New York City. I wasn’t expecting to, but the city pulled me in. I loved catching my first glimpses of the skyline as I neared the end of my 4 hour bus ride. I loved staying on the Upper West Side. I loved walking everywhere. I loved the soreness in my feet at the end of the day as a testament to all the places I had gone. I loved staying 2 blocks from Central Park and 1 block from the Night at the Museum museum. I loved searching out local coffee shops. I loved stumbling upon the most delightful French breakfast/dessert shop. I loved riding the Staten Island ferry. I loved being called ‘mia bella’ in Little Italy. I loved the ceiling in Grand Central station. I loved wandering through the New York Public Library. I loved eating gelatto and watching the sun set in Central Park. I loved wandering in to a church to sit and think and accidentally attending mass. I loved the feeling of just being there, in the city that so many call home and so many more wish to. I loved turning to my friend, shrugging my shoulders and saying “No Impossibility” when someone would start to perform on the Subway. Again. And that is what I think is so appealing about New York City. This is the place so many go to chase their dreams, because in New York, anything can happen.








“There’s an inherent energy in New York City that it’s famous for. It makes you want to get up and do a million things all day and stay up all night.”



And on that last sunny afternoon, with coffee in one hand and suitcase in another, I caught a taxi and headed for the airport. As I crossed the river, every bit of me wanted to tell the driver to turn around. As a compromise, a small bit of me stayed in New York to wait for my return, to pick up right where I left off. A part of me that would love to live in New York City for a season, just to see if I could! To work long days and commute via Subway and spend the weekends exploring new streets and finding little bits of green midst the gray skyscrapers and eat all the delicious food. Maybe one day, but for now I will work hard, (hopefully) growing a blog I’m proud of and enjoy being intentional right where I am.

What destination is calling you back? Will you go? 

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